Technology has been part of our daily living. Wherever we go we see and we use technology. The importance of technology has been recognized by man way back in the ancient times. It has become a part of our system. Its evolution has helped us perk up our lives. And the progress of technology had built a conduit between man and nature. Wikipedia (2008) delineates technology as a broad concept that deals with an animal species’ usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects an animal species’ ability to control and adapt to its environment. The man’s usage of technology started with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools.
Our ancestors have developed different technologies for their day by day living. It has been difficult to them to live at ease without any tools to use. That is why they created technologies to make their lives easier, as a way out to their dilemma. In addition, they have developed an assortment of technologies that led us to what we make use of in the present day.
Man’s instincts have proved to be helpful to them, as well as to new generation. If they haven’t made an attempt in exploring we could have been stayed in Stone Age. The highly developed technology had been a most important to be of assistance to one and all. Other than that the foundation of technology have had its positives and negatives; pros and cons. The establishments of new technologies have been helpful to human being while some have been harmful, on the other hand.
Most of technologies have been beneficial to all of us. In addition to technology’s benefits, just for instance, the discovery of the ability to control fire had increased the availability of food sources, the invention of wheel have been a great helped in traveling and controlling the environment, and other technological advancements (e. g. telephone) have slowly eliminated the barriers in communication. But, however, humans have also developed destructive weapons (e.g. nuclear weapons) that have had a huge impact to society (Wikipedia, 2008).
Human developed technology for their own benefits and also for their own destruction. The result of their development is either for their own personal interest or not. The technologies that man created for their own beneficial have had its consequences; have had its negatives effects. To give a case in point to the negative consequences of man’s construction is the development of atomic bomb during the World War II. Haven’t this technology had wiped away hundreds of lives? We could regard it as one of the most destructive technologies that man has ever produced. When an atomic bomb was detonated in Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki have demonstrated a massive effect of environmental harms and alienation of human. The atomic bomb emits radiation that could harm one’s health. When an individual is once exposed this will result to a high-dose of radiation that caused a high-rate of leukemia among the survivors (Lichtman, 2006). This is just an example of the dangers of the usage of technology to mankind as well as to our environment. It may have been helpful to us but their have been debates whether the development of technology have helped human condition or worsen it. Does the evolution of technology really help?
In some ways technology is really a great help and may have an enormous effect in the society. One of the technology’s benefits is that it has helped most of the countries’ economies to rise but however, it also produced unwanted by-products such as pollution and depletion in natural resources. And with this it shows how technology had damaged the Earth and its environment. To give a paradigm among of the concerns are the rapid increase in the temperature of the Earth, the warming of the Earth.
Going back to our science classes, we learned that the earth is blanketed with different gases that warm the Earth’s surface. The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of these different gases that helps regulate Earth’s temperature. And the absence of these gases will result to a cold environment that would be impossible for human habitation.
In addition to that fact, the Earth’s atmosphere is composed of different gases such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and other gases called as greenhouse gases. These gases help pertain heat to a very important process known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs when the sunlight passes to the atmosphere of the Earth and strikes the Earth’s surface. In which some of the lights are reflected while some are absorbed that helps in warming the surface of the Earth. The heated surface of the Earth radiates infrared light that is absorbed by the greenhouse gases.
The greenhouse gases have a vital role in balancing the Earth’s temperature. And thus, if the amounts of greenhouse gases are increased it will result to an embellished greenhouse effect called as global warming. A few increases in degrees in the Earth’s temperature could cause to a huge environmental problems. To delineate, the global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans and land masses of Earth (Hart, 2006).
Global warming is now considered as one of the crucial problems the world is facing of. Their have been masses of researches that are conducted to find out the core of the crisis as well as seeking for possible solutions. Some have said that technology is the chief contributor to climate change, or to global warming. Climatologists say that there are different factors that influenced the Earth’s climate change. These are the internal factors and the external factors. These factors are the basic components that affect the climate of the Earth. The extraterrestrial factors or the external factors are the solar output, Earth-Sun Geometry, Interstellar Dust while conversely; the internal factors are volcanic emissions, mountain buildings, continental drift, atmosphere/ocean heat exchange, surface reflectivity, atmospheric reflectivity, and atmospheric chemistry (Didwirny, 2006). The factors aforementioned have been the primary responsible for most of the past episodes of climate change.
There may have been different factors that affect the climate of the Earth. It is either due to the environment or due to human activities. The continuous increase in the Earth’s temperature had awakened the senses of human being. This exaggerated warming of the Earth had forced human beings to seek out for solutions to this problem. They have conducted researches on the factors that have an effect on the climate change the most. According to Didwirny (2006), the Carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, and methane is capable of altering the energy balance of the Earth by being able to absorb long wave radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface. Just for instance, the Carbon dioxide is stored in the ocean. When it is warm the Carbon dioxide (CO2) are released while on the other hand, when it is cool the Carbon dioxide are diffused. But, there have been an increase of Carbon dioxide (CO2) over the past three centuries because of human activities. Such human activities are the burning of fossil fuels and the cutting down of trees that reduces the capability of the nature to lessen the amount of Carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere. We have learned that trees and other species of plants have the capability to convert the Carbon dioxide (CO2) into Oxygen. This natural process helps in balancing the amount of Carbon dioxide (CO2) being emitted in the atmosphere. But however, the sad thing is that we human have violated this process to improve our lives. But does it really help us? Or does the opposite?
Debates regarding is matter are now in its peak. Leaders of every nation, researchers and man had already made its move to prevent this climate change, to prevent global warming. One of the solutions provided is that to minimize the emissions of greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide (CO2). This is to stabilize the emissions of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. But how could this be possible? This is possible we all of us help each other in finding ways in seeking for alternatives or other sources of technology that emits less greenhouse gases instead of continuous burning of fossil fuels use other energy sources.
The use of technology had been the prime reason of the occurrence of global warming, they say. Yes it is true. But, however, there is nothing they can do, we can do. It had already reached to this point. On the other hand, since we can do nothing in stopping it but we can still prevent it in reaching to worst stage. It is the only possible solution left. A famous quotation says that prevention is better than cure. The leading contributor of greenhouse gases emissions are looking for possible solutions. For example, in India, they started using renewable energy technologies. They had established a full-fledged national ministry to deal with renewable such biogas and wind energy.
People may say that big industrial companies are the lead contributors to greenhouse gas emissions but it is only the source of greenhouse gas emissions? Even if the leader of every countries and the government find ways in finding for solution to this problem but if the citizens are not contributing or helping there is no use of it. Take a look of our surroundings. Each one of us uses technology therefore, each of us are contributors of greenhouse gases emissions. I, myself, cannot escape to this fact. We must do something.
Let me quote a line from a song Let There be Peace that states that let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. This song talks about peace but how does this relates in participating in the prevention of the emission of greenhouse gases? Doesn’t there is a line that says “…let it begin with me?” Yes, the success of the prevention of the greenhouse gases emission must begin with us. There is a saying that if you want an improvement to your surrounding, let’s says to the government, we should start within our selves.
As an IT student and being aware of the situation I should start contributing in helping address this global problem. I should take a lead so that others will follow, but how? Should I stop using technology in my daily living? I think it is impossible. Technology has been a part to our daily living. It is now the global language as source of revenue as well as entertainment.
To stop is not the answer. Wherever we are technology is always there. We could see its presence. Wanting to help doesn’t necessarily big contributions. Small actions or small contributions are as important as those big contributions. Small once are helpful enough to preventing the emission of greenhouse gases to the Earth’s atmosphere. But what should I do if I wanted to help and how? Firstly, look around you. Look at your surroundings and ask your self, “What are our daily activities that emit greenhouse gases?” Think about it carefully and if you found one, what do you do? Will you just look, let it be a big contributor to increase the amount of greenhouse gases to the Earth atmosphere and what? And let your self suffer in the near future? I am sure you don’t want that to happen, me either. So together, let us be aware of our every action. Let us not be impulsive in the every thing that we do. Think carefully before you do such action either it is reckless or not. Then, do something. Let us do something in order to help contribute in minimizing the continuous emission of greenhouse gases.
Be aware. Do something. What are those small things that could be very helpful in minimizing the amount emitted of greenhouse gases to the Earth’s atmosphere? In our younger years we where taught about the 3 R’s. It is even strongly and actively advertised by the government through the use of media. This 3 R’s represents as Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. Instead of throwing and burning our garbage everywhere, anywhere it would be best if we check those garbage if there is something that could be still useful. Or check if there are still things that could be used and converted into new product. In that way we could help addressing the global problem, the global warming and also we could help in minimizing the quantity of garbage we throw. And, in addition to that, the recycled garbage that is turned into new products, we could earn a living through that right? Isn’t it killing three birds with one stone? There are still people who continuously burn their garbage. The burned garbage emits unwanted gases that are harmful to our environment as well as to our health other than that with this small action and what is the most important thing to consider is we could slowly stop the burning of garbage. Isn’t it feels good to live in a place where it’s clean, fresh and cooling?
Do you remember the feeling sleeping soundly under the green trees? This was the time when the trees are still rich. Doesn’t it feel good? It feels cooling and refreshing. And also it feels so relaxing. But as time passed by the abundance of trees is starting to diminish. And it is also the time where it starts to get warmer and warmer day by day. It is the time where the feeling of freshness and coolness is starting to be replaced by a very hot feeling and we are starting to get irritated by the Earth’s warm temperature. This is probably because of global warming and the continuous cutting down of trees. Then how do we address this? To address this problem then we should stop cutting down the trees but rather start reforestation. Let us start to revive the beautiful past where the beautiful and bountiful trees are seen. Let us start to plant trees. This way we could feel the cooling and refreshing feeling like before but what is important is that we could help in addressing the global problem, the climate change. With this, the presence of trees could help in minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases by converting the emitted Carbon dioxide (CO2) into Oxygen. Stop deforestation but instead start reforestation.
It was said that vehicles emits gases that contributes to climate change. Since the discovery of vehicles have helped us to make the traveling from one place to other place no matter how long the distance of that place would. However, even if vehicles had helped us so much but it has its cons. Vehicles, as one of the contributors of global warming. Then what actions should be taken in order to help in minimizing the emission of this greenhouse gases? We can not eliminate the presence of vehicles in our daily living since it a very helpful discovery to make transportation easier and make the distance between places shorter. So to address the problem regarding to vehicles as contributor to global warming is to minimize the usage of vehicles as possible. Travel the places with short distances through walking or through the use vehicles that doesn’t emit unwanted gases just like bicycles. In this way we can help save the mother Earth in order to lessen the greenhouse gases emission through the use of environment friendly technology. And also in this means we can also save. It lessen our travel expenses while at the same time helping in lessening the giving off of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.
The mentioned ways above are the most and the simplest way to help the government, the entire humanity, the Earth and its environment. The things that are mentioned could be done by each one of us however, being an Information Technology student this isn’t just the only way to help in addressing the global problem regarding climate change. This isn’t just it is. As a student belonging to the world of information technology and has the privilege of accessing this technology by global means, it may be simple act but it could still help in addressing the problem regarding climate change is through information drive. Since the availability and the usage of technology is global and wide, to help in extending of the knowledge and information regarding the global warming and the simple ways in addressing the global problems would be a great help. It is just a simple act though. Since everyone has an access in the internet, strongly participating in the campaign in addressing the global problem. Though, everyone already has a knowledge regarding this problem but continuously reminding every person in every country regarding this matter.
There are many different factors that affect the climate change but the one who has the biggest contribution regarding this problem is man. Human activities had a definite effect to it. The advancement of technology to make our lives easier but on the other hand it had its negatives. The most technologies created by man emit unwanted gases, the greenhouse gases. In the past, man had been unaware with the negative effects of this action. And then later they realized and had been trying to find ways in addressing the problem. The first step in addressing this problem is awakening of the awareness of each one of us regarding this matter is important in addressing this global problem, in addressing climate change. From their study, they arrived to a conclusion that the possible way in addressing this problem is by minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases. The developed countries, as they said as one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases mandated policies in minimizing the emissions of these gases like the emission of Carbon dioxide () for example. But it isn’t enough. Each one of us is contributors so then together let’s take an action to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases. Simple yet helpful. Be aware and do something.
1. Lichtman, Marshall A. "Leukemia." Microsoft® Student 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006.
1. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
2. Hart, John. "Global Warming." Microsoft® Student 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006.
3. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4. Didwirny, Michael (Lead Author); Sidney, Draggan (Topic Editor). 2007. "Causes of climate Change." In Encyclopedia of Earth.Eds.CutterJ.Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth September 28, 2006; last revised March 27, 2007; Retrieved December 17, 2008].
5. Wikipedia (2008). "Technology", [accessed 16 December 2008]
6. Venkata, Remana P., Chandra, Shekhar Sinha, P. P. Shukla, "Renewable Energy Tecnologies and Climate Change Policies in India". International Journal of Environment Technology and Management 2001-Vol. 1, No. 4 pp. 424-443, 2004-2006,
7. Common Misconceptions about Climate Change.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
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